Today automation tools perform the same tasks but function on a substantially more flexible architecture. If your team is new to automation, a typical implementation path would be Analysis, Development, UAT and Go-Live.
Is your team is moving from an on-prem solution to cloud possibly hybrid? The business processes may be the same but how the solution executes tasks has changed. Typically, there is not a direct path when migrating a forms and workflow. If you already know your business processes and have those documented from the previous implementation, those details will be used in the implementation. If this is not the case, it is a great opportunity to optimize and document processes from the user’s initial input to a completed business process including eSignatures. All combined offer a significant benefit of improving efficiency, while also improving the customer/citizen, and employee experience within the organization.
The process to move forward is similar to a new implementation with Analysis (limited), Development, UAT and Implementation. The migration path will also include a decommission of the existing automation platform once all the UAT phases are complete.
Which solution is best for you?
Business requirements should always drive the decision for what product will meet your needs. When following this model, we ensure the business needs come first.
Utilizing your existing tool set is a wise and cost-effective choice. This would include the suite of automation tools included within an M365 subscription.
Power Apps
Use the ever-expanding capabilities of automation and combine with forms to meet and exceed your business needs. This is automation on a modern cloud platform.
Power Automate
Spending too much time on repetitive business tasks? Implementing an RPA solution will increase productivity and efficiency in your workplace.
Power BI
When capturing all this content from workflows, forms and RPA tools we often develop reporting needs. Power BI is that tool for tapping into captured metadata and displaying data into an easy-to-read graphical inter-phase.
Nintex Automation Cloud, K2, RPA – When your business needs for forms and automation aren’t necessarily completely tied to a Microsoft platform, Nintex offers a generous suite for automation platforms that also integrate with the Microsoft suite. Nintex Workflow Cloud (Automation Cloud) – provides a very capable platform for forms and automation that is completely independent from other platforms and directly integrates with many SAAS platforms. RPA tasks can also be addresses in the Nintex suite to address those mundane business tasks.
Contact the DocPoint team at or 301.490.7725 for assistance with your workplace automation.