Scott Swidersky, President
Virtually every business parameter we track speaks to growth in 2012 and the first quarter of 2013. Revenue is up, staff levels are expanding and business prospects are encouraging. We are landing bigger, longer-term contracts from larger organizations and readily solving more complex technical challenges. Our customers are satisfied. Simply stated, business is good.
Growth is a positive from our perspective. However, our success confers significant benefits to our customers as well. It is this outcome that makes us most proud.
How does our success translate to customer benefit? In the past, many customers have recounted their experiences with cost-prohibi-tive technology. Whether attempting to satisfy content management requirements, compli-ance regulations, integration with an existing line of business or an improvement to a current business process, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products came with expensive price tags that required significant capital outlays. Beyond the price of the technology, there were licenses to acquire, IT teams to staff and fund, technology life cycles to consider, functionality purchased as part of the deal but rarely used, and much more. Then, too, there were endless implementations wrought with problems.
DocPoint Solutions’ decision to focus on the Microsoft® SharePoint® platform offers immediate cost savings over other alternatives. SharePoint also offers amazing scalability and flexibility to accommodate future growth and changes in business lines and processes. Plus, most clients already own SharePoint licenses, saving additional dollars.
DocPoint’s familiarity with third-party solutions – and extensive partner network – also means lower technology price tags, no wasted functionality purchased and state-of-the-art solutions. Clients purchase just what
they need for specific purposes, knowing it is the latest technology the marketplace offers.
Most of all, there is our approach to technology. Our business philosophy is to analyze customers’ business processes and fit our technology solutions to those needs. Then, we devise comprehensive training plans that promote not only user acceptance but also user understanding of how to employ all the features to best advantage. DocPoint does not recommend solutions that exceed the sophistication required. Why? Because we are not purveyors of out-of-the-box solutions or one-time sales. We are trusted business advisors/consultants who will be there for our clients today, tomorrow and beyond.
Perhaps, in the final analysis, this knowledge is the greatest customer benefit. Our success means we will be here to help your organization grow and adapt its technology to all the changes tomorrow will inevitably bring.